February 25, 2014

Filed Under : INTERIORS


They don’t call it “spring cleaning” for nothing, y’all. It’s always this time of year that I crave a blank slate, starting over, and simplifying. I want to empty my closets, clean out the garage, sell all my furniture, eBay all the things. Between Kyle and I, it’s almost crazy how hoardy we’ve become with the random crap we’ve amassed in the past 3 years of living together. I mean, I don’t think I need that ikea bookshelf I got in college. Or those jeans that never fit right, no matter how much I hoped my butt would change shape. Those have got to go. Plus a million other things that have been collecting dust and serve no purpose. Bye, things!

It feels so good to purge everything, right? I have lofty goals of living with much less. Wish me luck. Or give me some advice, perchance? PERCHANCE? And why does Lady Mary get all the hot suitors? What about poor Edith? Anyway, spring cleaning.

4 thoughts on “A SPRING PURGE

  1. Jessie

    I feel ya. We rather suddenly had to move this month, and from a 1300 SF two-bedroom to a 800 SF one-bedroom no less. Talk about purging. I’m a hoarder and my husband could pretty much live out of a suitcase so I would get rid of a bunch and feel pretty proud of myself and he would be ready to throw everything in a dumpster. But it feels SO GOOD to offload all the extra stuff. It’s been incredibly freeing mentally. Now to unpack…


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