February 5, 2014

Filed Under : EAT

kale salad / THE STYLE EATER

I’m sure you’re DYING for a new kale salad recipe, you know, because there aren’t enough on the internets already. But guess what? This isn’t a recipe! It’s just an explanation of my favorite way to eat said leafy green in a recipe-like manner. That’s better, right? So here goes: my favorite way to eat kale is raw, in a salad, with very minimal dressing, lots of cheese, and topped with seeds and/or nuts. So simple and easy, yet crazy good. Here are the details:

For a single bowl of salad (you can double it/triple it, etc), I use about 4-5 kale leaves (organic Lacinato kale! forget that curly-leaf stuff), de-stem them, wash them thoroughly, and then chop finely. After I place them in a bowl, I give them a quick hand massage for about a minute or so. I’m serious, y’all! Kale needs to be massaged. It breaks down the fibrous fibery things. Sorry, I don’t know food terms. But do it – it makes the salad way better.

A squeeze of lemon (about a teaspoon) and one swirl of extra virgin olive oil (again, about a teaspoon) to dress it. Totally eye-ball it though. It should be really lightly dressed, you don’t want it too heavy. A pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Then lots of grated cheese (I use Parmigano Reggiano, but really any kind will do). And good heavens, don’t forget the cheese. Add as much as you’d like. I also toss in about a tablespoon of sunflower seeds because I love a good crunch to my salads, but you can add more or less. And if you’re opposed to sunflower seeds, any seed or nut will do. That’s really it. Don’t forget to eat it all up because remember, it’s super healthy and good for you. Plus, the cheese cancels out when you are eating it with kale so that’s like double the health.


February 3, 2014

Filed Under : MY LIFE


So this thing happened the other day where I simultaneously turned 27 years old and made a life decision to wear kimonos. What is it with birthdays that really help you realize what’s important in life? Like kimonos. I’m all about this asos one. And this one too (although I’m not sure it can be considered a kimono, but it’s cute as hell, I have it). Anyway, they are what my 27th year of life is going to be about.

It’s also going to be about saving money and going on fun trips (how do you do both? we’re going to find out). Working hard, working out (if you can believe it!), taking care of myself, eating meat again (I’m tired of being a vegetarian), spending even more time with my friends (for laughs and lots of inspiration), and building a home with someone I love. Going into 27, I was resistant to it. I felt transient and confused. But now that it’s here, I don’t feel that way at all. I’m more sure of myself now, more settled and certain. Adulthood is a real thing and it’s smacking me right across the face. I’ll take it.

27, I’m ready for you. With a kimono on.


January 16, 2014

Filed Under : INTERIORS

around the house / the style eater

January is a notoriously crazy month for me. Things are busy at work, Kyle’s busy at work. I don’t have time to eat properly or do my Tracy Anderson videos (somehow there is always time for french fries though). My birthday comes up and then I’m in my “late twenties” and lots of freakouts and what-the-hells will inevitably happen. I get a giant pimple during Golden Globes weekend and Jared Leto looks me square in the face. All the fails happen in January.

So one morning, instead of feverishly checking emails, I walked around this little home of mine and took survey of my favorite corners, nooks, and crannies – you know, the clean and organized ones because there’s just no question that dirty socks and opened boxes of chocolates are just outside the frame of these photos (I blame Kyle). So I took survey, because as much as I still think my home is nowhere near “done,” there are still small corners that calm my buzzing mind and make me smile. Here are a few of them:

around the house / the style eater

around the house / the style eater

around the house / the style eater

around the house / the style eater

around the house / the style eater

around the house / the style eater

around the house / the style eater

around the house / the style eater

around the house / the style eater

around the house / the style eater

around the house / the style eater

SOME RESOURCES: Pendleton blanket | UO Butterfly Chair | Ikea Sheepskins | Modernica Plant Stand | Bench via etsy | Makr Plate Hook | Schoolhouse Electric Coat Rack | Modernica Wire Chair | cb2 Dining Table | Ikea Pendant Lamp | Weck Jars | West Elm cutting board and cheese boards | World Market Hanging Fruit Basket | Rifle Paper Co. Calendar


December 30, 2013

Filed Under : MY LIFE - STYLE




1. The older you get, the faster the years go by. I swear it was yesterday I was celebrating New Year’s Eve 2013?

2. Brushing your hair is overrated.

3. Oysters are really f’ing good.

4. 4-wheeled luggage (like this) is life changing.

5. At age 26, gaining 10 pounds in less than 6 months is a real thing.

6. Finding your soulmate leather jacket takes time and patience, but you’ll know it when you see it.

7. Organic vegetables have lots of bugs in them.

8. I wish I could spend all my weekends in Big Sur.

9. 90% of my shopping is done on Amazon.

10. I’m still really clueless when it comes to adult things like mortgages and saving money.

11. Trust your gut! This year, my gut told me to quit coffee for good (it makes me physically ill but i would still drink it nonetheless) and start the Tracy Anderson Method (more or less).

12. Invest in skincare products. Spending all the monies on Skinceuticals, Ole Henriksen, and Kate Somerville facial products. You only have one face, y’all.

13. Group texts with friends is the only way to live life. Waking up to 79 text messages from your favorite people, 98% of which are emojis, is where it’s at.

14. LA has such good food. Favorite restaurant of 2013 is Picca.

15. Collecting ceramics for the kitchen is an expensive hobby that I must limit in 2014.

16. Montreal is real pretty (posts here, here, and here).

17. I get genuinely upset when my boyfriend starts watching a movie on TV that’s already half way over. Why start in the middle?!

18. Keeping plants alive is a challenge but so very rewarding.

19. I’m moderately to severely addicted to Instagram.

20. This.

Of course, there are plenty more things I’ve learned but I figured 20 was a good number to stop at. What did you learn? Overall, 2013 was pretty great. So looking forward to next year. Thanks for sticking with me and reading this blog! Happy New Year y’alls.

Photos by Ann-Marie

Wearing: H&M jacket via ebay (similar), Gap sweater (similar), dl1961 jeans, Madewell boots


December 17, 2013

Filed Under : MY LIFE - STYLE

thestyleeater instagram

Sometimes you get out of bed and decide you know what, I think I’m going to instagram my outfit today.

Sometimes, you spend a little too much time making sure the framing is right and the clothes are folded just so.

Sometimes, you take a few dozen photos just to get the best lighting and angle.

And then sometimes, you get caught by your boyfriend, who then posts it on his instagram:

thestyleeater instagram

Such is life, am I right?

Gap sweater (sold out but love this one)
Rag & Bone jeans
Shoemint boots (sold out unforch)
Alexa Chung for Madewell pouch (old)
J.Crew sweatpants and superrrr old freecity sweatshirt, in case you’re feelin the outfit.

Also, you can follow along to my insta-shenanigans here.