Friday Love List

November 9, 2012


I hate to be a downer but the time change bugs me!  Does it bug you?  In this photo, which I took from the window of my office building, the sun is setting around 4:30ish.  I mean, really?  And if you are wondering about that traffic, YES it’s completely normal.  Anyway, enough complaining!

It’s finally Friday and I’m particularly excited about this weekend.  One of my best friends is getting married!!  I’ll be in Santa Barbara all weekend celebrating and I’m sure there will be multiple posts about it next week.  I rented a pretty fancy camera lens too and I can’t wait to break it in (not break it of course…that would be the worst ever).  I’m so looking forward to it!  Here are a few other things I’m loving this week:

Have a great weekend! x

ESSENTIALS: Egyptian Magic

November 8, 2012

Filed Under : BEAUTY

I’m going to be honest with you: I buy a lot of shit.  But…I try to invest in things (“try” being the emphasized word here) that I know will benefit me in the long run.  Essentials, if you will.

So I’ve decided to start a new column about all of my favorite essentials.  It’ll be anything from my go-to tees to my favorite kitchen tools.  I’m no expert on products WHATSOEVER so you can completely ignore everything I say if it ain’t yo thang.

So here goes!  My first essential is Egyptian Magic.  One time, I left it at my parents’ house and my mom asked me if it was sex cream.  UM, NO MOM!!!!  It’s a salve for dry skin, JEEZ!!!!!  #awkward.

It resembles Aquaphor or Vaseline but it’s a bit more natural with its’ beeswax and olive oil ingredients.  Here’s what I use it for: on dry skin (face, elbows, toes, hands); removing my makeup (eye and lip); on my split ends; as a chapstick for my lips; on my eyebrows to create shape; on sunburns in the summer; and around my eyes.  What a multi-tasker!

Also, it lasts FOREVER.  I bought this jar probably 8 or 9 months ago and I’ve barely scratched the surface.  I love it almost as much as when I click a link in Pinterest and it takes you to the ACTUAL original source.  Best thing ever, am I right?  You can find it here!

Winter is Coming

November 7, 2012

Filed Under : INTERIORS

This weekend, I took out all of my winter blankets and laid them around the apartment.  Too soon?  Maybe if I put the vibes out in the universe, we’ll stop having 90 degree weather.  Seriously, what is the deal?  My brain doesn’t comprehend blistering hot weather when the sun goes down at 4pm.  It only registers sweatpants and cuddling and warm soup.  So yes, I took out all my blankets in preparation for the cold.  For now, they’re pretty to look at but here’s hoping we can use them soon.

Speaking of our ridiculous 90 degree weather, I wish we could send some extra sunshine over to the East Coast right now.  They sure could use it.  In fact, they’re still in desperate need of supplies so be sure to donate if you can!

On a totally unrelated side note: I don’t like to get too political on the blog, but I’m so happy and proud that President Obama was reelected.  This is such a huge victory for women’s rights, civil rights, and HUMAN rights.  We have a responsibility to always move forward (and not back to 1950), work together without the extreme divisiveness, and figure out what’s best for this country.  Here’s hoping we can make these next 4 years count!  Also, so incredibly proud of the states that passed marriage equality laws.  My heart is full!


November 6, 2012

Filed Under : MY LIFE

My friend, Ann-Marie, and I are always on the same page.  She might be more into stamping things and I might be more into eating things, but we meet somewhere in the middle.  We can talk for hours on end about blogs, creative people, instagram, and our shared love for good pens.

Whenever I need a creative boost, I turn to her for a little inspiration.  She’s full of incredible ideas, that one!  On our blog date, we sussed out new content for our sites and gave each other lots of feedback.

Also!  Ann-Marie relaunched her online shop and it’s full of AMAZING stamps (and those pencils above!) that are perfect for the holiday season.  Check it out here: Ann-Marie Loves Paper

Weekend Snapshots

November 5, 2012

Filed Under : MY LIFE

01/ The fastest Ikea trip every taken.  In and out in 15 minutes!

02/ Pumpkin pancakes on Saturday morning.

03/ Afternoon brainstorming.  Writing my thoughts down always makes me feel better.

04/ Fun times at Mohawk Bend.

05/ Contemplating what to bake for the weekend.

06/ LA Galaxy game and David Beckham’s hot pink cleats.

*Hope everyone’s weekend was lovely.  Don’t forget to VOTE tomorrow!