That one time I went on a 2 month blogging hiatus

October 22, 2012

Filed Under : MY LIFE - STYLE

Guys!!  It’s been so long.  My “week long” break from the blog has turned into a two month sabbatical and I’m not happy about it one bit.  I’ve really missed rambling about random things.  Like for example, A.) I went to a really fun book signing the other day that I could have mentioned; B.) I’ve been getting CSA boxes on the regular and I made a new kale salad that I wanted to share; and C.) I’ve been spending all my money on polka dots.  Item C is not really a new thing per se, but I thought I’d just reiterate the point.

Let me tell you what happened.  First, my good friend and very talented graphic designer, Ann-Marie Morris, redesigned my blog and I LOVE IT SO MUCH.  Obsessed!  She is amazing!!  But then I handed over her beautiful design to a programmer and that’s when things got weird.  I really hope you didn’t check the blog in that awkward stage it was in for a solid 4 weeks.  Anyway, cut to today and there are still some major kinks and font issues but it will all get sorted out eventually.  In the meantime, if you see anything extra weird, will you let me know?  Appresh.

By the way, so excited to be back – I have so many things to share and discuss.  Thank you for sticking by me while I took a little blog vacation.  There were a few days in there where I almost threw in the towel.  But let’s be honest, I love talking about random stuff TOO MUCH to quit.  So here I am, with a blog facelift and a few more polka dots in my closet.

*wearing this Madewell dress, but more on that later!

**Photo by Ann-Marie Morris

Friday love list

August 23, 2012


Right now, it’s 11pm on Thursday night and I’m laying on the couch with my laptop and a carton of s’mores chocolate ice cream.  This is a lethal combination but I’m praying to the ice cream gods that no ill-fate will come upon my sweet macbook.  Why is this relevant, you might ask?  It’s not at all, so let’s talk about my favorite things I came across this week:

As I mentioned in my last post, my blog is getting redesigned (woop woop).  So please cross your fingers that the programming goes smoothly because that’s happening all next week.  And then hopefully we’ll look shiny and new!  So excited.  In the meantime, have a beautiful weekend.  Eat something delicious for me!

*photo taken earlier this year at the Getty Museum

Catch Up

August 20, 2012

Filed Under : AROUND LA

Los Angeles skyline

Hi friends!  My blog is going to change a little bit and wanted you to know before it did.  By that, I mean it’s getting redesigned and should look new and pretty real SOON!  I’m super excited for that.  Also, once it’s all pretty, I’m going to start doing this thang a little more regularly.  Ya know, so it’s not so sporadic and random.

I can’t wait for it all to happen!  So for now, posts will still be a bit random, but once the new design is up, I’ll be around these parts a LOT more.  In the meantime, I’ll still be instagramming and tweeting pretty regularly, both @thestyleeater.  Oh and you knowww I still hit up Pinterest everyday, so come visit me there as well.

Good things are brewing – can’t wait!

*photo via my instagram, taken on the rooftop of the London Hotel West Hollywood

peach crumble pie

August 8, 2012

Filed Under : EAT - RECIPES

This weekend, I had a strong craving for a peach pie so I up and made myself one.  Best idea ever, no?  Plus, I wanted to use my new mini skillets that I’m so in love with.

I made this Martha Stewart peach crumble pie and it turned out delicious and buttery.  Gotta love that Martha!  Since I used two 6.5 inch skillets instead of a pie dish, I divided the crust in half for each skillet and reduced the cooking time to about 45 minutes (because the cast iron gets so hot).

My dude and I each had our own individual-sized pie and we devoured them down pretty easily.  Note: my version of an “individual-sized pie” is really just half a regular sized pie.  We don’t mess around in this household.

Typical summer

August 6, 2012

Filed Under : STYLE

On summer weekends, I stick to a simple formula: messy hair + white sunglasses + striped shirt + cut-off shorts.

If I’m feeling adventurous, I add a bikini and a panama hat.  It’s simply too hot for anything more complex than that!  Plus, I love stripes in any shape or size and would gladly wear them every day if I could (especially when mint green is involved).

PS, I’m absolutely addicted to the Olympics right now.  Let’s be real, who isn’t?  I’ve never watched so much TV in my whole life but every event is just so fascinating!  My favorite is women’s gymnastics for sure (always has been!).  What’s yours?

*wearing juicy sunglasses, madewell shirt, gap shorts, vintage satchel