Tag Archives: best beach los angeles


July 21, 2013

Filed Under : AROUND LA - MY LIFE

manhattan beach / the style eater

What’s the point of a beautiful sunset on the Manhattan Beach pier without a couple of dslrs and a few iphones? No point, I tell you. That’s what happens when Jaymee, Ann-Marie, and I get together. All bets are off. Cameras are out. Documenting begins. Gramming happens. But that’s what I love about these girls. I’ve known them FOREVER and they’re MA PEEPS. But beyond that, we’re always on the same page: cameras out at all times. We GET each other. We pose for each other. WE LOVE EACH OTHER.

manhattan beach / the style eater

^^Plus, a pre-sunset dinner at Lemonade will always hit the spot. Lemonade, why do you have to be so good all the time. Gimme those kimchi noodles every single day of my life.

manhattan beach / the style eater

^^This is Ann-Marie and she’s the best. One of my favorite people on this here earth.

manhattan beach / the style eater

^^This is Jaymee and she’s ALSO the best. Another favorite, I tell ya. Gosh, I’m so lucky to have them in my life.

manhattan beach / the style eater

manhattan beach / the style eater

^^See? Doesn’t get better than that.


manhattan beach / the style eater

manhattan beach / the style eater

manhattan beach / the style eater

^^All of Ann-Marie’s dreams came true when she saw the aqua-colored railings on the pier. That girl lives and breathes bright colors.


^^Oh hiiiiiii.

manhattan beach / the style eater


manhattan beach / the style eater

^^We give lots of high-fives…

manhattan beach / the style eater

^^…and a lot of giggling happens.

manhattan beach / the style eater

^^and I give real-life *thumbs up* emojis from time to time.

manhattan beach / the style eater

manhattan beach / the style eater

^^Jaymee makes sure to get those perfect sun flares and don’t even ask what I’m doing.

manhattan beach / the style eater

manhattan beach / the style eater

^^Thanks Manhattan Beach for a lovely evening with a few of my favorite people.