Category Archives: STYLE

Polka dot obsession continues

March 27, 2012

Filed Under : STYLE

anthropologie polka dot pants

Oh my goodness, I can’t even handle the amazingness that is POLKA DOT JEANS!  I think they may be my favorite version of polka dots so far.  Since they’re so sweet and feminine, I’d balance them out with a simple striped tee and some solid booties.  And then I’d ride around town on a bike taking instagrams of everything I see. <— that really would happen because I’m addicted to instagram.

Jeans / striped tee / handbag / boots / sunglasses / bike

I want to go to there: Paris

March 8, 2012

Filed Under : STYLE - TRAVEL

paris outfit

Sometimes I like to virtually pack for vacations even when I have no intentions of going there.  I sure would love to be in Paris right now, who’s with me?  Indulging in fresh baguettes and macarons, taking in the breathtaking sites, and shopping endlessly for days upon days.  Let’s go!

Here are just a few items I would bring with me to the beautiful city of Paris:

dress / umbrella / blazer / perfume / clutch / watch / sunglasses / oxfords

*PS – that photo is of moi in Paris circa 2009…you know, when doing the “kiss face” was SUPER COOL.

On civic duties & Madewell Spring 2012

March 6, 2012

Filed Under : STYLE

Two things.

Item, numero 1: Yesterday, I had jury duty.  I really had high hopes of spending the day watching TV shows on my iPad, but alas, the government only supplies the cheap-o internet and there wasn’t enough bandwidth to go around.  No seriously, I could barely check my gmail.  Pinterest?  Forget about it.  Instead, I spent the day reading YA novels.  You guys, I may be a 25 year old woman with pending wrinkles, but I really enjoy my young adult novels.  I can’t help it.  Don’t hate.  So yes, I read entire books about dystopian lands filled with teenage angst and unrequited love.

Item, numero 2: I’m really digging the new Madewell Spring 2012 lookbook.  It’s full of soft shades of pink and blue, grays and whites, lace and florals.  I’m ready for spring now!  Here are some of my favorite looks (and details) from the Madewell catalogue:

madewell spring 2012

madewell spring 2012

madewell spring 2012

madewell spring 2012

[Images via Fashionista]

Currently Coveting

February 28, 2012


I always have a collection of things I’m lusting after.  Normally it’s the various Girl Scout cookie selections but today, I’m really feeling these 6 items.  They’re colorful, simple, yet totally functional.  Except for the yellow dress.  That’s not really functional.  Unless you’re going to a yellow dress party, then it would be REALLY functional.

No. 1// Madewell Sandals

No. 2// Tea for One Brewing Set

No. 3// Mickey’s Girl Cut Out Dress

No. 4// Calypso Scarf

No. 5// Alarm Dock

No. 6// Illesteva Sunglasses