Category Archives: MY LIFE


June 2, 2014

Filed Under : MY LIFE


I’ve been out of town a bunch over the last 2-3 weeks and all I could think about was if Trader Joe’s would still have peonies left when I got back home. When I returned from New York last Wednesday, my TJ’s was STOCKED and thank the heavens for that. I bought 2 bunches to make up for lost time and I’ve been standing in this corner of my house ever since. I love watching their progress. They bloom so regally, you know? It’s epic and grand and perfect.

Anyway, I have some other epic news as well, which I shared on Instagram. I’ll share the story here soon. Plus, a rehash from my trips to New York and St. Louis (you know I love a good rehashing). MORE LATER.


May 14, 2014

Filed Under : MY LIFE

the blues / the style eater

You guys, I have the immune system of a horse. I’m assuming they have really good immune systems and mine is a good one, is what I’m trying to say. But last week (or was it the week before?), I got hit with a terrible virus and it really f’ed up my immune system street cred. Don’t you hate that? When you feel like you’re really good at something or your street cred levels are pretty legit, and someone just knocks you right off your podium and says NO, YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A SHITTY {insert street cred}. Well that’s what happened to my immune system’s street cred.

Anyway, I lost my voice completely and was mute for a few days and that was fun communicating solely with hand-signed emojis, but we’re on the mend and thanking the heavens for prescription cough medicine.

Moral of the story is I HAVE NOTHING TO BLOG ABOUT, OKAY? Other than the fact that it’s shorts season again and I love shorts season. PLUS, my Levi’s 501 shorts have always been a smidge too big and now they fit perfectly, so I’d like to thank all those extra donuts and beers for contributing to my perfectly fit Levi’s. Hey Summer, I’m gonna wear these shorts everyday, so get ready and hope you don’t mind.


April 30, 2014

Filed Under : EAT - MY LIFE - RECIPES

brunch at my house / the style eater

brunch at my house / the style eater

Last weekend was one of my favorites in recent history. On Saturday, my family drove down for a quick visit to my favorite plant nursery. My mom has good plant juju so I found 3 more plant children to add to my ever-growing collection. Which reminds me, should I do a blog post specifically about my plants? Anyway, good plant juju and the best nurseries on this side of the Mississippi means a super great Saturday.

On Sunday, a few of my friends came over for brunch, making me all kinds of happy and stuff. Hosting people at my house feels like it could be my life calling. I’m in the zone while hosting. I get myself. I understand my abilities and limits. I have crazy to-do lists, clean the house from top to bottom, and make 3 batches of biscuits from scratch – you know, none of the qualities I display on a normal basis, but throw me some guests to host and I’m like HELLO, let me make you a fruit bowl out of 8 different varieties of fruit. Ugh, I love it.

Anyway, I made some mini frittatas (but swapped the ham for turkey breakfast sausage, swapped the parm for sharp cheddar, and swapped the parsley for chopped spinach) and these biscuits. My biscuits did not look half as glorious as the recipe’s looked, but you win some, you lose some. Also, I panicked 15 minutes before guests arrived because it didn’t look like there was enough food for 8 peeps, so I made Kyle run across the street to a diner and pick up breakfast potatoes (what a good sport). Ok so maybe hosting isn’t my life calling after all, but I certainly do love any excuse to hang out with my friends and eat biscuits.


March 17, 2014

Filed Under : MY LIFE

life updates / the style eater

life updates / the style eater

life updates / the style eater

life updates / the style eater

life updates / the style eater

The first half of March has kept me on my toes and I’m not complaining for a minute. It started with the Oscars on the 2nd and somehow ended with a staycation at Ace Hotel Downtown LA. Lots of work and fun stuff in between, too. Also, a giant earthquake this morning. I’ve lived in CA for 27 years out of my 27 years and EQ’s still scare the living crap out of me. Anyway, more March details:

+ So I went to the Oscars. Call me crazy, but that was one of my life’s most crazy experiences. I saw Meryl Streep and Bono hug it out in the lobby. I had to work a little bit when I was there, but mostly I could just watch and enjoy myself. Once in a lifetime experience, I tell ya. Also, what I wore is on the InStyle tumblr.

+ I went to The Cream one Sunday to scope out a few wedding vendors (because why not) and support Ellay Films, Jaymee’s wedding videography biz that she runs with her awesome sister, Kim. YOU GUYS, if you need a wedding videog, look no further!! They’re the best in the business.

+ I got to hang out with Jaymee and Alex a BUNCH in the first half of March. They are a couple of favorites. EXCEPT WHEN THEY FORCE ME TO GO TO SOUL CYCLE AT 7AM ON A FRIDAY. Other than that, hanging out with them is the best.

+ Kyle and I had a mini staycation at the new Ace Hotel in Downtown LA. It’s 20 minutes from our house, making it the easiest vacation ever. Plus, the 88 degree weather sure helped a lot. A full post on this coming soon.