Tag Archives: ampersand screen print etsy

Ampersand + Happy Monday

January 9, 2012

Filed Under : INTERIORS

ampersand print

Okay so having the flu is kind of the worst ever.  I haven’t left my little apartment since Thursday, my bed and I are now best friends, and I’ve eaten chicken soup for the past 4 days straight.  But guess what?  The bf took such great care of me!  He is a keeper sometimes.

Also, I really love ampersands.  As a lover of English grammar, I find them to be filled with such beautiful meaning.  You can take any two words, add an & in between them, and suddenly they are connected.  Joined together, linked, binded.  Like you & me.  Pulls at this English-major’s heart strings.  Also, they’re quite gorgeous, wouldn’t you agree?  In fact, I want them all over my house.

This ampersand print from Ampersand Design Studio is one of my favorites.  I love the pop of neon but the overall design is just so perfect.

Happy Monday!

[Image via Ampersand Design Studio]