Tag Archives: day trips los angeles


June 6, 2013

Filed Under : TRAVEL

angeles crest highway / the style eater

Southern California, you really know how to make a girl swoon! Over Memorial Day weekend, we took an impromptu day trip to Lake Arrowhead and said OH WHAT THE HECK and drove the long way. Up in the mountains and through the canyons, to be exact, along Angeles Crest Highway. No shortcuts over here, my friends. It took us double the amount of time it normally takes to drive to Arrowhead but worth every extra minute. Sure, I thought I might pass out from the curving roads and scary cliffs, the lack of cell service and the motorcycles flying past us, the rolling fog and the deep valleys, but we made it. Who needs wide freeways and shorter routes anyway??

angeles crest highway / the style eater

^^^That’s my explorer stance. I’ve been REALLY trying to perfect it. How am I doing?

angeles crest highway / the style eater

angeles crest highway / the style eater

angeles crest highway / the style eater

angeles crest highway / the style eater

After the long and scenic drive, we spent a couple hours at Lake Arrowhead with a waterfront picnic for two. A few tacos were eaten, a caramel apple was shared, and a VERY friendly squirrel tried to join in on the fun. The town felt a little like Disneyland, with lots of tourists and kitschy stores, but I kind of like Disneyland so it suited me just fine. Plus, the water is the bluest of blues. So blue that it’s kind of green. That’s pretty dang blue, in case you’re wondering.

Overall, the day was extra lovely and full of adventure. 10 points for the first weekend of summer! (I know the summer doesn’t offish start for another few weeks but let’s not talk about it)

lake arrowhead / the style eater

lake arrowhead / the style eater

^^^Thanks for turning the sky a bright shade of purple, iPhone! Does your iPhone do that?

lake arrowhead / the style eater

lake arrowhead / the style eater

lake arrowhead / the style eater

Location: Lake Arrowhead, CA
Miles from Los Angeles: 94
Route taken: Angeles Crest Highway (136 miles if you go this way)
Hours spent at destination: 4
Photos taken: 73
Number of squirrels that took a bite out of my caramel apple and probably gave us rabies: 1