Tag Archives: long beach antique market


November 19, 2013

Filed Under : AROUND LA - MY LIFE

long beach flea / the style eater

long beach flea / the style eater

long beach flea / the style eater

long beach flea / the style eater

long beach flea / the style eater

long beach flea / the style eater

Over the weekend, I went to the Long Beach Antique Market with Jaymee and talk about a total brain explosion (enter my favorite GIF here). We both majorly scored and barely spent any coin (I spent $60 for everything in the pic above) – what more could you ask for in a flea excursion? I think it was Jaymee’s good thrifting vibes that helped. THAT and the fact that we’re both bad influences on one another and say YES BUY THAT whenever we spot something fantastic. She practically made me regret my whole existence if I didn’t buy that basket (and even haggled it down a couple bucks for me).

It might have been a combination of being so used to the overpriced Rose Bowl flea (and going in haggling wars with Natalie Portman, I’ve seen it happen), the $80 kilim pillow prices on Etsy (mine above was $18), and walking through my favorite Heath Ceramics one too many times and starting to think $38/mug was normal (give me everything from there, though), that made the Long Beach flea such a breath of fresh air and quite frankly, a shock to my system. I mean BLOW MY MIND WHY DON’T YOU.

Also, this uo sweater. Wearing her everyday.