I know I’ve been totes MIA for the past couple days so I apologize for that. But a lot has happened since we last spoke so I will give you a quick update. For one, I turned 23 years old (sigh). I also acquired a new pair of Gaga-inspired lenses (thanks KT), did some arts & crafts (see menus below), and threw a tea party. Quite an eventful couple of days!
But anyways, the tea party was absolutely lovely – just a small gathering with my closest friends! We ate (a lot), drank a lot (of tea), and (as always) had the most unusual/amazing conversations revolving around the bar in Heather M.’s arm (no comment). Though I don’t have too many photos of the food since I was too busy stuffing my face with it, I was able to snap a few pictures here and there:
Shout out to my mother: Thank you so much for all your help!!!! Without you, I would have had no plates, cups, tea, sandwiches, desserts….everything actually. And thanks to my beautiful friends for spending a day of joyful merriment with me!!
***UPDATE*** My good friend Ann-Marie posted a little snip-it about the tea party on her blog, The Cozy Farmhouse. Check it out!