Tag Archives: thai curry broth recipe


March 15, 2013

Filed Under : MY LIFE

Instead of a Friday Love List today, I thought I’d share what our Thursday evening looked like.  Super low-key and nowhere to be.  Those are my favorite kind of nights.

As soon as I got home from work, I relaxed a bit and went through the mail.  The new Madewell catalogue kept me occupied for a solid 25 minutes.  That thing is pure gold.  GOLD, I tell you.

after work / the style eater

Then I decided to make dinner: a rice bowl with veggies, fried eggs, and some leftover thai curry broth from this recipe.

after work / the style eater

While I cooked, Kyle put on music and we danced between sautéing the mushrooms and steaming the brown rice.  This is very typical.  We get our dance on almost every night during/after dinner.  Not pictured: the final product of our meal, which was pretty dang tasty.  In fact, I wish I could insert a “thumbs up” emoji right here.  I can no longer express how I truly feel without the use of emojis anymore. #2013problems

after work4

We kept dancin’ and spinnin’ and groovin’ and movin’.  In these photos, we’re listening to Smooth Operator.  I’m serious!  Everyone needs a little Sade in their life.  Although, we eventually switched over to the new JT album.

after work / the style eater

after work / the style eater


Then on to dessert.  Not pictured: handfuls upon handfuls of Trader Joe’s dark chocolate covered almonds with sea salt and turbinado sugar, as seen here.  I mean, I can’t even put into words how addicting these things are.

after work / the style eater

After dessert and dishes, it was straight up to the office for some blogging, pinteresting, and Google Reader-ing.  Dear Google, WHY OH WHY are you getting rid of Google Reader?  I use it ALL DAY, ERRRDAY.  Also, I’m taking a few online classes right now so those were on my Thursday night t0-do list as well.

after work / the style eater

That was one exciting Thursday evening.  Hope yours was great!

As for the weekend, I have little to no plans except for soaking up the LA sunshine.  Happy weekending!