Hi friends! My blog is going to change a little bit and wanted you to know before it did. By that, I mean it’s getting redesigned and should look new and pretty real SOON! I’m super excited for that. Also, once it’s all pretty, I’m going to start doing this thang a little more regularly. Ya know, so it’s not so sporadic and random.
I can’t wait for it all to happen! So for now, posts will still be a bit random, but once the new design is up, I’ll be around these parts a LOT more. In the meantime, I’ll still be instagramming and tweeting pretty regularly, both @thestyleeater. Oh and you knowww I still hit up Pinterest everyday, so come visit me there as well.
Good things are brewing – can’t wait!
*photo via my instagram, taken on the rooftop of the London Hotel West Hollywood