Tag Archives: thestyleeater home


December 2, 2013


dining update / the style eater

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I spent mine with my family and loved every second of it. Don’t even get me started on sweet potatoes. My mom makes 10 lbs of sweet potatoes every Thanksgiving and I cry for days when the leftovers are gone. All in all, it was a great day. Plus, 4-day weekend!!

Also, here’s a little peek at our updated dining area (sorry for the crappy iphone pic, yikes). We got rid of the giant wood table and replaced it with a much smaller, white one. I’ll post more details when it’s a bit more presentable, but just wanted to share Kyle’s “I-CAN’T-FIGURE-OUT-WHERE-TO-HANG-THIS-SHIT” face. We ordered this print for above our bed, but when it finally came in the mail, we chickened out and decided that the risk of death-by-falling-art is not something we want to subject ourselves to (you know, California earthquakes and such). Anyway, it’s a photo I took from our trip to Big Sur and it is HUGE. No idea where to put it now, but it might just land above the dining table.

So there’s that. December is here and I’m feeling really positive about it so far.