Tag Archives: trader joe’s peonies


June 2, 2014

Filed Under : MY LIFE


I’ve been out of town a bunch over the last 2-3 weeks and all I could think about was if Trader Joe’s would still have peonies left when I got back home. When I returned from New York last Wednesday, my TJ’s was STOCKED and thank the heavens for that. I bought 2 bunches to make up for lost time and I’ve been standing in this corner of my house ever since. I love watching their progress. They bloom so regally, you know? It’s epic and grand and perfect.

Anyway, I have some other epic news as well, which I shared on Instagram. I’ll share the story here soon. Plus, a rehash from my trips to New York and St. Louis (you know I love a good rehashing). MORE LATER.


June 3, 2013

Filed Under : MY LIFE

2013-06-01 at 16.39.10 2

Ooooh, you know, it’s JUNE ALREADY. As crazy as that sounds, I’m so looking forward to summer. In fact, it already feels like summer, what with the extreme heat and all. But, bring it on. I’m ready, I’m sunscreened, and I just bought a new beach blanket. Things are looking up. As for what I’ve been up to lately, well, I’m glad you asked! Here are just a few things keeping me busy:


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^^^I’m certainly not the only one who took advantage of Trader Joe’s’ 2-week peony inventory, but I’ll be damned if it wasn’t the best 2 weeks of my life.


^^^Ok, green juice, you got me! You’re kind of delicious. That right there is a combo of kale, apple, cucumber, lemon, and ginger (with a side of almond butter toast)

2013-05-27 at 11.47.35

^^^One of my goals for 2013 is to turn my house into a jungle. Not pictured: the package of bandaids that the nursery owner gave me as a gift for buying so many plants there. Errr, thank you?


^^^I’ve been rotating solely (pun intended) between chucks and madewell boots lately. Take THAT, summertime, because who needs sandals anyway? Speaking of sandals, I need a new pair for the summer. Suggestions welcome.

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^^^I’m sorry, what is ice cream? What is frozen yogurt? Because I ONLY EAT SNOW CREAM NOW. There’s this new place called Blockheads Shavery Co in LA that serves shaved ice cream and we’re addicted big time. Pictured is black sesame snow cream with strawberries, mangos, rice cake balls, and strawberry puree on top.


^^^Putting together a little “Welcome to LA” gift for one of my BFF’s who’s moving here!

2013-05-27 at 13.53.23

^^^Stumbled upon (literally because I tripped over a stack of rugs) the most amazing hole-in-the-wall rug joint I’ve ever seen in all my days on earth. So long overpriced Rose Bowl flea! I don’t need your rugs! So long sketchy international eBay transactions! So long money because we spent all of it at this rug place.

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^^^Pasadena, if you’re not the most adorable little town, then I don’t know what is. Also, you’re the hottest. 90 degrees? Really? But like I said, bring it on!


May 24, 2013


YOWZA. Ok so that was probably a few too many travel posts and I’m just glad to be blabbering about absolutely nothing once again. Also I’d like to point out that my butt is not shaped like that. I swear the wind’s blowing straight through that cotton and expanding that jumpsuit in the oddest of ways! Oh but that view. NOT MY BUM VIEW, I’m talking about the scenic view.

That’s the kind of view where you can’t help but pull over to the side of the road and admire just how beautiful this dang place is. And that’s exactly what we did. We were driving through the canyons between Malibu and the Valley (this is my favorite part of the LA area, mind you), windows down, dirty and dusty from the Topanga Folk Festival (more on that next week), our car winding and curving along the street, when this jaw-dropping vista pops up to the left of us. We pulled over right then and there, got out, and let the wind creep in our cotton jumpsuits and make our bums look all big and outta sorts. You get the picture. Aside from this glorious day, here are a few other things I’m loving:

+ The 7-minute workout. You guys, this just MIGHT be the thing that changes my mind about working out! How fantastic does it sound? Ok no, I haven’t tried it yet but by golly, I’m starting it up on Monday…or maybe the following Monday.

+ 20% off everything at ASOS until Monday with the code TAKE20. You better believe I’m taking advantage of that, maybe in the form of this perfect cami, this colorful swing dress, and this adorable overall thing that I likely also wore in the 2nd grade.

+ I mean WHO ISN’T making tacos this weekend? I think I’d like mine with a side of these taco pickles, please.

+ Peony season at Trader Joe’s! The most glorious 2 weeks of the year. Run to your nearest TJ’s and pick some up, I swear your life will instantly feel better. I’m loading up until those things are out of stock.

I hope everyone has a lovely Memorial Day weekend (and hopefully it’s a 3-day weekend?). Same time, same place next week. xo