Tag Archives: wool and the gang

Can’t they all be 3-day weekends?

February 19, 2013

Filed Under : MY LIFE

3-day weekending / the style eater

This weekend was extra great because it was THREE DAYS LONG.  I love when that happens, don’t you?  A whole extra day to frolic around and pretend I have no responsibilities.  You may have noticed the spotty blogging in the last few weeks (aka months) but awards season takes its toll on this gal.  I’ve been work-work-working nonstop and it leaves little room for extracurriculars.  Hopefully after this week, I’ll be back in the blogging game at full speed!

So what’s been going on lately?

+ I went to Ann-Marie’s gorgeous engagement party.  Will share more photos from it soon!

+ I’m having a pretty serious love affair with Wool and the Gang.  Their products are just so amazing.

+ I planned a trip with Kyle to Montreal.  If you have any Montreal recs, send them my way!

+ I’m feeling extra inspired and motivated after watching the Beyonce documentary on HBO.

+ I’m feeling extra depressed after the season finale of Downton Abbey.  I can’t even discuss…too soon.

+ I have a few new ESSENTIALS to share with you (here are some old ones).  That column kind of fell off the face of the planet but really, I do have essentials to share!

+ What?  It’s already mid-February?  Happy, happy birthday to my baby brother, Josh, who is now 15 years old.  I can’t even believe it.

Photo by my amazing friend ann-marie morris!