Y’ALL. I pretty much gave up on blogging until I saw this quote floating around Pinterest. IT’S SO TRUE. Beyonce is the hardest working woman on the planet and if we’re working with the same amount of time in this life, then by golly I better get my ass in gear. Blogging, book writing, working out (this one is TBD) – it’s all happening now. So here I am, with my blogger hat on, my work blackberry tucked in my purse, Kyle upstairs on his computer, TV turned off, and we’re blogging, because BEYONCE WOULD DO IT AND SO CAN I.
The truth is, life has been slapping this gal across the face lately and I am tired as BALLS. <–Normally I would edit that out and change it to something a little more PC like “tired as heck” but I ain’t backspacing today, friends. I’m also going to embrace this exhaustion, slap it right back, and do something fruitful with my down time. Mrs. Carter has convinced me that I CAN do all the things in one day, oh yes I can. She also taught me who run the world (the answer is “girls,” if you were wondering). We’re moving forward, onward, and upward because…BEYONCE!
And for as crazy as life has been lately, it’s also been the most exciting and rewarding. So many great things are happening and I’m loving every second of it (tired or not!).
And until next time, I leave you with my favorite time of day: when I get home from work and sit in silence for 5 whole minutes, blocking out all the noise from the day and soaking in the quiet of my home. In those few moments, the sun starts fading, cool air seeps through the open windows, and my fridge purrs softly. I feel nothing but peace. After those 5 minutes, I’m up and on to the next (insert ANY AND ALL Beyonce gif’s here).