Category Archives: STYLE

Three Things

August 15, 2011


three things

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!  Mine was super relaxing and fun – laid out by the pool, barbecued, celebrated my dad’s birthday, and saw the Glee 3D movie.  I would consider that a very successful weekend!  I also did a lot of internet browsing (as per usual) and came across 3 things that caught my eye:

  1. This Madewell look from their current “looks we love” is really speaking to me.  I love the casual look of the sweater matched with trousers.  So tomboy-ish and chic!
  2. Since Kyle and I are in the midst of planning a gallery wall in our living room (pics to come as soon as it’s finished!), we’ve been perusing a lot of design sites for inspiration.  This particular gallery wall is one of my favorites because even though it’s a hodge podge collection and randomly placed on the wall, it still looks polished and totally perfect.
  3. Pretty much anything that Sweet Paul does makes my heart skip a beat but I’m particularly loving these fava bean crostini.  How great would they be at a dinner party?

[Images via Madewell, Oh So Beautiful Paper, and Sweet Paul]

Friday Love List

August 12, 2011


Is it Friday already??  I swear this week just flew by.  3 minutes ago I was typing out my post for M Street Kitchen and now it’s the end of the week.  My super busy work week was to blame, especially this little diddy that was going on.  But you know what?  I really love work.  That’s going to be #1 on my love list this week.  I love my dang job!

  •  I’m also loving this corner of my desk (in my home office – promise to show more soon!), complete with my new favorite Rifle Paper Co. notebook, a Le Pen (a swoonworthy pen, let me tell you), a couple washi tapes, a stamp, and some baker’s twine.
  • These Colby June rings are so gorgeous and I want all of them.
  • Last Friday, we went to First Fridays in Venice, which is an art walk of sorts with lots of food trucks and fun things going on.  LOVED it.
  • It’s a no brainer that I’m obsessed with Destined to Design blog because it has all my favorite elements: design, style, food, typography, and lots more goodness.  She also has one of my favorite Pinterests.
  • These Steven boots are absolutely perfect for the end of summer and the transition into fall.  Need them asap.  Also, I’m gonna throw it out there: I like websites with free shipping.
  • Lusting after this chain bag from Nasty Gal.
  • I want to make this summery salad from Green Kitchen Stories.  That grilled zucchini paired with raw apples and beets looks like a dream come true.
  • Oh hey, our dining table is being delivered today!  It’s a big hunk of wood and I cannot wait to see it.

30-Day Photo Challenge: Days 1-7

August 8, 2011

Filed Under : DIY - MY LIFE - STYLE

Remember when I said I was doing this photo challenge?  Here are the first 7 days!

Day 1 [self-portrait]: mmmk not the biggest fan of taking photos of m’self but this will have to do!

Day 2 [what i wore]: wearing a Madewell tank and vintage skirt…and looking out of a closed window?

Day 3 [clouds]: ok so I cheated this day because there were no clouds around on day 3!  I had to use some old clouds…and obvs I already had clouds instagramed.

Day 4 [favorite color]: my fave color changes all the time but right now it’s definitely mustard yellow – i just love that creamy hue of yellow. and yes, yes that is a mockingjay pin I’m wearing.

Day 5 [someone i love]: this is someone I love doing something he loves – going to art galleries and looking at (aka appraising) all the unique art pieces.

Day 6 [childhood memory]: the other day I had sno-cones and it reminded me so much of my younger years.  These sno-cones were a little more gourmet than what I remember.  Each of those bottles are filled with flavors like watermelon/rosemary and blackberry/ginger – was so delicious!

Day 7 [something new]: I discovered an art supplies store a few blocks from my apartment and bought a canvas and a few paints.  Seeing as I’ve never painted a canvas before in my life, this is definitely very new!  TBD what my painting will turn out to be but I’m thinking (aka hoping) something like this.