Category Archives: MY LIFE

That one time I went on a 2 month blogging hiatus

October 22, 2012

Filed Under : MY LIFE - STYLE

Guys!!  It’s been so long.  My “week long” break from the blog has turned into a two month sabbatical and I’m not happy about it one bit.  I’ve really missed rambling about random things.  Like for example, A.) I went to a really fun book signing the other day that I could have mentioned; B.) I’ve been getting CSA boxes on the regular and I made a new kale salad that I wanted to share; and C.) I’ve been spending all my money on polka dots.  Item C is not really a new thing per se, but I thought I’d just reiterate the point.

Let me tell you what happened.  First, my good friend and very talented graphic designer, Ann-Marie Morris, redesigned my blog and I LOVE IT SO MUCH.  Obsessed!  She is amazing!!  But then I handed over her beautiful design to a programmer and that’s when things got weird.  I really hope you didn’t check the blog in that awkward stage it was in for a solid 4 weeks.  Anyway, cut to today and there are still some major kinks and font issues but it will all get sorted out eventually.  In the meantime, if you see anything extra weird, will you let me know?  Appresh.

By the way, so excited to be back – I have so many things to share and discuss.  Thank you for sticking by me while I took a little blog vacation.  There were a few days in there where I almost threw in the towel.  But let’s be honest, I love talking about random stuff TOO MUCH to quit.  So here I am, with a blog facelift and a few more polka dots in my closet.

*wearing this Madewell dress, but more on that later!

**Photo by Ann-Marie Morris


July 15, 2012

Filed Under : MY LIFE

The reason I’ve been so absent around here lately is because my sweet Oma (“grandmother” in Dutch) passed away on Thursday.  It’s been absolutely devastating for me and my family and I didn’t think I could continue writing happy blog posts without first mentioning what’s been going on.  She suffered from Alzheimer’s for the last 14 years and I just hope that her mind is finally at peace.

This photo is one of my absolute favorites of the two of us, taken at my Oma’s 70th birthday party in 1996.  Shortly after the photo was taken, my cousin Kelsie and I performed a song-and-dance number to Alanis Morrisette’s “Ironic” for my Oma and all of the party guests.  If you’re wondering how awesome that performance was, it was really awesome.

I have such fond memories of my Oma and I miss her already.



July 9, 2012

Filed Under : MY LIFE - TRAVEL

So that right there was a 2 week blogging hiatus.  Sometimes it happens, ya know?  I’ve been dealing with a few things at home and sometimes it’s hard to blog with a heavy heart.  If you can, please send lots of positive thoughts to my family right now – they sure could use it.

Also, there are 2 major things you should know about this gal (aka me) and I’m going to share them with you right now:

  1. When I go to Hawaii, my whole life revolves around guava.  I order guava juice everywhere I go (even if it’s $8 for a mini cup i.e. in the photo above), steal mini-sized guava jams from every restaurant (I’m sure airport security was real confused by my suitcase contents), buy any/every kind of guava lotion/chapstick/candle, drink guava mojitos by the pool all day errrrrday, and bathe in guava.  JK about that last one.  I would if I could though.
  2. Right now, I’m addicted to “The Bachelorette” in the worst way possible.  The freaking Bachelorette.  The fact that a new episode is on tonight is giving me anxiety (the good kind) like you wouldn’t even believe!!  Who’s with me?!

Hawaii photos are going up tomorrow so come back and visit! x

Back to school

June 19, 2012

Filed Under : MY LIFE

nicoles classes

This month, I’m taking a photography class online at Nicole’s Classes and loving every minute of it.  There are homework assignments, quizzes, lessons – it feels so good to be a student again!  Also, I’m finally getting a grip on how to properly use my camera, which makes me super happy.

If you’re interested in taking a photography class, I highly recommend it! –> Nicole’s Classes

Here are some of my homework assignments…

nicoles classes

nicoles classes

nicoles classes


nicoles classes

nicoles classes

Sweet pups

June 18, 2012

Filed Under : MY LIFE

Happy Father’s Day to my wonderful father, grandfathers, and uncles.  Happy Puppy’s Day (which is everyday) to my sweet, angel-faced golden retriever, Jax.  And Happy Monday to you!