I wanted to make zucchini bread…and then realized I don’t own a loaf pan. This realization came about after I gathered all the ingredients, shredded zucchini, mixed everything together, turned on the oven, etc. You’re probably thinking “Wow, this chick ain’t real smart” OR “Who doesn’t own a loaf pan in the year 2011?” and I would agree with you on both accounts. But the kicker is that I used to own a loaf pan. It up and disappeared.
So I decided to turn my zucchini bread into zucchini muffins. Thankfully, baker extraordinaire, Kim, told me it was a-ok to do so! Also, once I actually read the details of the recipe, I realized that it gives you the options of making muffins. Ouy vey, all that stress for nothing.
Speaking of the recipe, I love using Punchfork to find recipes. It’s a great tool because it only searches on food blogs and food websites, rather than the entire interwebs. The recipe I used for zucchini bread/muffins is this Smitten Kitchen one found via Punchfork. They turned out moist and extra cinnamon-y and I would make them a thousand more times. Plus, the simple fact that there’s a vegetable in it makes me think they’re nice and healthy. I could be very wrong in this assumption but nonetheless, they’re a perfectly delicious fall snack.