Tag Archives: 30 day photo challenge

Photo Challenge: Days 8-14

August 22, 2011

Filed Under : MY LIFE

This is what I’ve decided: I love productive weekends.  All of the art is now up on the walls (okay, almost all of it).  My dining table is now home to some brand new placemats and pretty candle holders.  I tested out a new-to-me pizza bar in Santa Monica (order the mushroom pizza if you decide to go…total nomsss).  And most importantly,  I caught up on my 30-day photo challenge (days 15-22 will be coming shortly, so I lied, not totes caught up).

Here are days 8 through 14 (and a recap of days 1-7 for kicks):

30-day photo challenge

Day 8 [technology]: Watching some Adele videos on my google TV.

Day 9 [faceless self-portrait]: I’m really bad at lying even though I lied 30 seconds ago about catching up on my photo challenge so I’m just going to come out and say it…this is an old photo.  I did not take this pic on August 9.  I’m a cheater.

Day 10 [something i made]: Salmon and roasted asparagus.

Day 11 [something fun]: 2 of my best friends.  They are fun.

Day 12 [close-up]: A close up of one of my other best friends: red sangria

Day 13 [from a distance]: I may or may not have already shared this photo and I may or may not have taken this pic on August 15.  I fail at this photo challenge.

Day 14 [flowers]: Hydrangeas from my parents’ yard.

30-Day Photo Challenge: Days 1-7

August 8, 2011

Filed Under : DIY - MY LIFE - STYLE

Remember when I said I was doing this photo challenge?  Here are the first 7 days!

Day 1 [self-portrait]: mmmk not the biggest fan of taking photos of m’self but this will have to do!

Day 2 [what i wore]: wearing a Madewell tank and vintage skirt…and looking out of a closed window?

Day 3 [clouds]: ok so I cheated this day because there were no clouds around on day 3!  I had to use some old clouds…and obvs I already had clouds instagramed.

Day 4 [favorite color]: my fave color changes all the time but right now it’s definitely mustard yellow – i just love that creamy hue of yellow. and yes, yes that is a mockingjay pin I’m wearing.

Day 5 [someone i love]: this is someone I love doing something he loves – going to art galleries and looking at (aka appraising) all the unique art pieces.

Day 6 [childhood memory]: the other day I had sno-cones and it reminded me so much of my younger years.  These sno-cones were a little more gourmet than what I remember.  Each of those bottles are filled with flavors like watermelon/rosemary and blackberry/ginger – was so delicious!

Day 7 [something new]: I discovered an art supplies store a few blocks from my apartment and bought a canvas and a few paints.  Seeing as I’ve never painted a canvas before in my life, this is definitely very new!  TBD what my painting will turn out to be but I’m thinking (aka hoping) something like this.