Tag Archives: what to do in palm springs


March 28, 2013

Filed Under : TRAVEL

PalmSprings / the style eater

Palm Springs in March is a golden slice of perfection. The weather isn’t too hot (yet), the hotels aren’t too expensive, the pools aren’t overcrowded, and pretty much life rules 24/7 there.

Also, you’ll notice about a hundred photos in this post and that’s because I’m taking a photo editing class and I need my practice. Lots and lots of practice.

First, a few snaps from Ace Hotel Palm Springs, where we stayed. I literally cannot recommend this hotel more. It’s one of my absolute favorites (photos from my last trip here). It has so much character and puts out serious good vibes. The rooms are also quite dreamy, especially if you can get one with a patio. Oh and the pool! Pool days there are top notch.

ace hotel palm springs / the style eater

We spent an afternoon at the newish (and very colorful) Saguaro hotel, where we ate tacos and drank a few margaritas. This place is sure easy on the eyes. What a beaut!

We strolled around the gorgeous Parker Palm Springs and had brunch at my favorite place in all the land, Norma’s. I’ll tell you one thing right now…I want to LIVE at the Parker. I don’t want to just stay there for a few days. I want it to be my own private house. It’s such a dream.

Hey PS…I love you!

Let’s Go Away

March 24, 2013

Filed Under : TRAVEL

palm springs / the style eater

When you’re having a quarter-life crisis (I’m having one by the way), the only thing you can do is recharge those batteries. Recharging batteries include but are not limited to: being in 85+ degree weather, laying by pools occupied only by hipsters, drinking margaritas even though you have a pretty decent sized stomach ulcer, getting a ton more freckles (because let’s face it, this pale skin doesn’t tan well), and reading a teen novel but ONLY on the iPad so no one at said pool will give you dirty looks.

Good thing I’ll be doing all of the above the next few days because these batteries need recharging! I’m at the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs (one of my favorites), soaking up the sun and enjoying this precious life.

Hope your week is off to a fresh and exciting start!