Category Archives: MY LIFE

Friday Love List

September 2, 2011



Three-day weekends are probably the best invention ever.  A whole extra day of hanging out?!  Sign me up, please.  This weekend is full of fun activities, starting tonight with First Fridays in Venice.  FF is an artwalk on Abbot Kinney (in Venice) and literally hundreds of food trucks line the streets.  It’s one of my favorite things to do!  As for what I’m loving this week?  Here are a few things:

  • Yes I’ve already expressed my love for Emersonmade here, but I can’t get over how amazing her fall collection is.  And even though I’ll never need a coat down in these parts, I’m particularly loving this camel coat (pictured above).
  • You guys, I went and bought myself a nice camera.  YAY!  Now I’m in the market for a camera bag and this one from ONA is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!
  • The minute I saw this recipe for grilled flatbread with blistered tomatoes, sauteed kale, and cheese, I died of happiness.  Then I came back to life and was very hungry.
  • I wish I could bake/eat these Bakerella chocolate chunk muffins EVERY SINGLE DAY of my life.  I would, you know.  I really would.
  • This weekend, I’m going to a wedding!  My friend from work is getting married and I’m real excited to celebrate her with all of my coworkers.

What are your plans for the 3 days?  Happy weekend!!

[Image via Emersonmade]

I’m currently having a…

August 29, 2011

Filed Under : MY LIFE

taylor swift staples center

…because she was that good (went to her show last night)

…because that girl is real talented…and real gorgeous

…because she may or may not have admitted Back to December was about Team Jacob (finally)

…and because I may have reverted back to my 13-year old self & squealed the whole time (and then reverted back to my 24-year old self and had a drink or 2…)

Anyway, I love that b.  She done good.

Back to regular programming tomorrow!

Photo Challenge: Days 8-14

August 22, 2011

Filed Under : MY LIFE

This is what I’ve decided: I love productive weekends.  All of the art is now up on the walls (okay, almost all of it).  My dining table is now home to some brand new placemats and pretty candle holders.  I tested out a new-to-me pizza bar in Santa Monica (order the mushroom pizza if you decide to go…total nomsss).  And most importantly,  I caught up on my 30-day photo challenge (days 15-22 will be coming shortly, so I lied, not totes caught up).

Here are days 8 through 14 (and a recap of days 1-7 for kicks):

30-day photo challenge

Day 8 [technology]: Watching some Adele videos on my google TV.

Day 9 [faceless self-portrait]: I’m really bad at lying even though I lied 30 seconds ago about catching up on my photo challenge so I’m just going to come out and say it…this is an old photo.  I did not take this pic on August 9.  I’m a cheater.

Day 10 [something i made]: Salmon and roasted asparagus.

Day 11 [something fun]: 2 of my best friends.  They are fun.

Day 12 [close-up]: A close up of one of my other best friends: red sangria

Day 13 [from a distance]: I may or may not have already shared this photo and I may or may not have taken this pic on August 15.  I fail at this photo challenge.

Day 14 [flowers]: Hydrangeas from my parents’ yard.

Friday Love List

August 19, 2011


Where did the summer go?  I feel like it came and went in the blink of an eye and now it’s almost September.  For someone who really loves hot weather and margaritas (and the smell of sunscreen and watermelon by the pool), I don’t think we really ever had a summer this year in southern california.  That makes me sad.  What the H, CA??  But nonetheless, here are a few things that I’ve been loving this week:

  1.  I’m crazy for stripes, especially classic breton, so when I spotted this striped umbrella, I almost died of excitement!  And while I’m already complaining about CA, I also wish it would rain more because I have zero use for an umbrella.
  2. Although they aren’t as purty as some of the fonts you’ll find on sites like font squirrel and such, these Google web fonts are super helpful and useful!
  3. Seeing as my Portland trip is almost a month away (eeeee!!), nothing makes me happier than searching for good restaurants, like tasty & sons for example.  Portland is FILLED with some of the most amazing restaurants and I can’t wait to try them out.
  4. You probably know (and are tired of) my obsession with le instagram.  So you could only imagine my elation when I found this website, stickygram, that turns your instagrams into…wait for it….MAGNETS!  SIGN ME UP!
  5. Two of my very best friends, her and her, are giving my blog a MUCH NEEDED facelift!  Yes, they are redesigning it and I could not be more excited, thrilled, and IN LOVE with what’s brewing so far.

2 from Adele

August 17, 2011

Filed Under : MY LIFE

adele concert greek theatre

On Monday night, I went to the Adele concert at the Greek Theatre and only took 2 photos.  I wanted to fully immerse myself in the beauty and incredible talent of Adele and that meant laying off the technology for a bit and experiencing everything in the moment.  Okay so I cheated slightly by taking these 2 photos but cut me some slack here!

I took one photo before the show of Mr. Kyle’s outfit (isn’t he just presh sometimes?) and one photo right when Adele hit the stage.

I can’t even begin to express how amazing she is.  Not only is her voice so powerful and pure, she’s also hilarious and was cracking the funniest jokes throughout her set.  Oooh I could listen to her sing all day, every day.  What a treat!!