Tag Archives: friday love list


May 24, 2013


YOWZA. Ok so that was probably a few too many travel posts and I’m just glad to be blabbering about absolutely nothing once again. Also I’d like to point out that my butt is not shaped like that. I swear the wind’s blowing straight through that cotton and expanding that jumpsuit in the oddest of ways! Oh but that view. NOT MY BUM VIEW, I’m talking about the scenic view.

That’s the kind of view where you can’t help but pull over to the side of the road and admire just how beautiful this dang place is. And that’s exactly what we did. We were driving through the canyons between Malibu and the Valley (this is my favorite part of the LA area, mind you), windows down, dirty and dusty from the Topanga Folk Festival (more on that next week), our car winding and curving along the street, when this jaw-dropping vista pops up to the left of us. We pulled over right then and there, got out, and let the wind creep in our cotton jumpsuits and make our bums look all big and outta sorts. You get the picture. Aside from this glorious day, here are a few other things I’m loving:

+ The 7-minute workout. You guys, this just MIGHT be the thing that changes my mind about working out! How fantastic does it sound? Ok no, I haven’t tried it yet but by golly, I’m starting it up on Monday…or maybe the following Monday.

+ 20% off everything at ASOS until Monday with the code TAKE20. You better believe I’m taking advantage of that, maybe in the form of this perfect cami, this colorful swing dress, and this adorable overall thing that I likely also wore in the 2nd grade.

+ I mean WHO ISN’T making tacos this weekend? I think I’d like mine with a side of these taco pickles, please.

+ Peony season at Trader Joe’s! The most glorious 2 weeks of the year. Run to your nearest TJ’s and pick some up, I swear your life will instantly feel better. I’m loading up until those things are out of stock.

I hope everyone has a lovely Memorial Day weekend (and hopefully it’s a 3-day weekend?). Same time, same place next week. xo


February 22, 2013



I’ve been kinda stressed this week and I think part of the reason is because of Scotchmallows, all thanks to my parents who sent me a giant bag full of them for Valentine’s Day.  The amount I’ve eaten would frighten an average person I think.  I literally cannot control myself.  Are they laced with crack?  I’ve eaten 3 since I started writing this post.  Ouy vey.  Here are a few other things I’m loving this week:

  • A fully booked trip to NYC, Connecticut, and Montreal is getting me real excited for spring!
  • I’m dying to make homemade kimchi and this seems like a perfect first-timer’s recipe.
  • I’ve been loving this hairstyle lately.  A few spritzes of surf spray and some bobby pins are all you need.
  • Speaking of hair, I kind of want to cut my hair this short.  Yay or nay??  Crazy talk?
  • Madewell, please stop with all the good boots.  My bank account is suffering for it.
  • I’m in the market for a new jacket and I can’t decide if I should go this route or this route.  Both, you say?  You got it, thanks for the sound advice.
  • Two great articles: one on productivity and another from Leandra on blogging.


Happy weekending!  I’ll be working mostly but it ain’t no thangggg.  Oh! And the photo above is from when we drove to this hike.  LA, you slay me sometimes.

Friday Love List

November 9, 2012


I hate to be a downer but the time change bugs me!  Does it bug you?  In this photo, which I took from the window of my office building, the sun is setting around 4:30ish.  I mean, really?  And if you are wondering about that traffic, YES it’s completely normal.  Anyway, enough complaining!

It’s finally Friday and I’m particularly excited about this weekend.  One of my best friends is getting married!!  I’ll be in Santa Barbara all weekend celebrating and I’m sure there will be multiple posts about it next week.  I rented a pretty fancy camera lens too and I can’t wait to break it in (not break it of course…that would be the worst ever).  I’m so looking forward to it!  Here are a few other things I’m loving this week:

Have a great weekend! x

friday love list

July 27, 2012


friday love list

Instead of posting the rest of my Hawaii photos (see the first post here), I’m actually just going to show you my favorite shot from the whole batch.  I want to stand there right now with my toes in the sand, looking out at that aqua water, thinking about all the beautiful things in life.  You too?  Sighhhhh.

Anyway, here are a few things I really loved this week:

Any fun plans this weekend?  I’ll be hitting up the Renegade craft fair for sureeee (again! last 2 ventures here and here).  Maybe a brunch or 2 thrown into the mix.  xo!

friday love list

May 4, 2012


friday love list

Friday, is that you??  I’m REALLY happy you’re here.  One time, a professor told me never to use the word “really.”  He said it was a useless word and gave us assignments where we’d have to describe something without using “really.”  It’s really f’ing hard, let me tell you.  Oh college, I miss you.

Anyway, here are a few things that tickled my fancy this week:

Happy weekend!!  Tonight, Mr. Taylor and I are going to this concert and will be gettin’ our dance/jam on.  Then this weekend, we have ZERO plans.  Woohoo, looking forward to it! x

image via